The Everyday Natural Set

Natural Looking Eyelash Extensions by Kansas City Professional

The most natural styled eyelash extensions. It’s the perfect look of longer/fuller natural lashes. The natural set has a variety of options that can be customized to your liking, such as light and thin for a “mascara” look or a soft volume for more fullness. There is also the option of brown or blonde extension colors, for custom matching to the natural eyelash. They’ll look like yours, but better.

Lasts 3-6 weeks | Travel Included | Aftercare Included

2 hrs | $200

The Everyday Natural Set Is For

The Simplistic Minimalist

You prefer the “clean look” & don’t wear makeup or use it very lightly. You prefer high maintenance, top quality services - so that you can maintain low maintenance daily routines; that save you time to focus on the things that matter in your life most.

The Mature Woman

You understand that beauty comes with experience and you know that with simple enhancements, your entire look can be improved. You don’t buy into the belief that self-care has age restrictions & that the opposite is more true. You know that age is not a factor and you value your appearance.

The Concealed Woman

You’ve experienced an event that has caused traumatic hair loss and/or thinning. You want to conceal the loss with weightless, soft and delicate hairs that mimic what was there before the event. You understand that although things happen to us, there are sometimes things we can do about it! You are resilient.

Mascara & lash curlers are a thing of the past.

The Everyday Natural Set is the modern luxury solution to dated feminine practices such as mascara and manual curlers. This specialty set has a variety of length and curl options available. It’s perfect, rather you want your lashes to look like you have on “mascara” or if you want more length/volume. You have control.

Does This Sound Like You?

Tired of your lengthy mascara and makeup routine

With the hustle and bustle of life, makeup routines and daily mascara are tedious. You just don’t feel that mascara even enhances your look much anymore.

Your natural lashes are thin/short/straight

You want volume, you want to love your reflection and you want to be viewed differently. When you were younger you feel as though your lashes were more full. You want that youthful glow back.

You want to look polished

Being and looking well put together is important to you. It needs to look AND feel effortless.

Example Custom Styles