The Fox-Eye Set

Natural Looking Fox Eye Style Classy eye lashes

The Fox-Eye set is the definition of SLEEK. It transforms the shape of the eye. It’s perfect for you if you’ve always liked a variation of styles, that start short and get longer on the ends. It’s a classic twist on eye enhancements, as it gives the illusion of the classy winged eye-liner look (without a drop of makeup). Sultry and classic, this style is a head-turner.

Lasts 3-7 weeks | Travel Included | Aftercare Included

2 hrs | $250

The Fox-Eye Set Is For

The Classy Aesthetic

You prefer the “clean look” & only don’t wear makeup or use it very lightly. You prefer high maintenance, top quality services - so that you can maintain low maintenance daily routines; that save you time to focus on the things that matter in your life most.

The Unique Woman

You have your own style and prefer simple enhancements that showcase your individuality and personality.

The Element Of Surprise

You are rather private although personable. You prefer for things to be seen and not heard. People always compliment you on things you do that aren’t common.

Fox-Eye Shape Transformation

Makeup Is Time Consuming, Lash Extensions Are Not

The Fox Eye Set is the modern luxury solution to makeup application. Simplistic but also unique, it will give you the perfect sophisticated and sassy look. A look that has always drawn the eye and been intriguing. Makeup application takes 20-50 minutes daily to be applied correctly. That’s about 25 hours per month! How much time would you save with perfect lashes and brows? Think of what you could do with that time each month instead!

Does This Sound Like You?

Tired of your lengthy mascara and makeup routine

With the hustle and bustle of life, makeup routines and daily mascara are tedious. You just don’t feel that mascara even enhances your look much anymore.

You’d like to change the shape of your eye

You’d like the shape of your eyes to be more alluring. You like for people to look you in the eyes while speaking and would like to make sure you look polished and pretty.

You like to look sultry and mysterious

Being mysterious in nature is a skill. It takes a certain element of privacy and class while also showing something captivating that makes people wonder and want more. It’s the true meaning of a tease actually ;)

Example Custom Styles